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Can the Flu/Cold really make nails lift?

Updated: Oct 26, 2019

Can the flu/colds really cause products to lift from nails?

Amy Masters can share at first sneeze the effects of the cold and flu virus and how it affects our nails ...let alone our entire body. Here is a way of looking at it… the flu/cold itself is a virus. But the symptoms of these awful bugs however may cause swelling of body tissue and muscles, it causes fever, chills and body aches. How would this affect the nails? Flu may cause brittle nails from dehydration, shrinking of nail beds from being too cold, muscle and tissue swelling around the nail plate from being too warm.

So… Absolutely having the flu can create numerous nail issues. To relieve symptoms of the flu we also tend to take extra baths, showers and soak in hot tubs, we also try to relieve symptoms with medications that may retains fluids or dehydrates our system also causing temporary nail issues. Let alone that our nails react to extra hand washing and alcohol sanitation so in theory the flu and how we treat the flu can absolutely create separation of the products (lifting) we apply to nails.

Other conditions can create shrinking and swelling such health conditions like high blood pressure, arthritis, medications, menstruation along with outdoor activities like gardening, harvesting, shoveling snow and skiing that even gloves can’t completely maintain proper temperatures. A fail proof way to know is ask the client how their rings are fitting, are they periodically snug and other times loose?

Here are 10 ways to help prevent product lifting during these times;

1. Consult with client on how they are feeling as ask about health conditions that may affect hands, feet and nails.

2. Best to not put products on nails with clients who are ill or have current symptoms of shrinking or swelling hands.

3. Ask clients to call when lifting begins to repair immediately so no further issues arise.

4. Maintain a room temperature that’s best for product adhesion.

5. Remind clients to wear appropriate gloves when exposed to hot/cold temps for long periods of time.

6. Before product application allow client nails to return to a normal state after hand washing.

7. Proper dry preparation of cuticle and nail with temporary dehydration of nail plate for best adhesion.

8. Know your products and their flexibility. Try products that are more flexible that bend and hold with the nail like Genre or a flexible gel system

9. Offer cuticle oils to help keep nails flexible, skin healthy and maybe something that has an additional scent to help keep sinuses clear like spearmint.

10. Educate your clients about home care for long lasting nails.

It’s important to have communication with clients about their health and at home use of nails. This will allow us to better prepare how to care for their nails for long term wear and build a trust through knowledge.


Amy Masters

For additional knowledge on proper nail prep… check out

For additional information about Genre… check out

How to Keep Profits in your Pockets during the flu season… check out

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